Itxasmarine has considerable experience in turnkey projects and conversions as well as in large repair jobs. Likewise, in the design and building of electrical switchboards, control consoles, specific controls for propulsion engines, auxiliary engines, etc.
Know us
ITXASMARINE, is a Gipuzkoan company founded in 1999, dedicated to electrical engineering and specialized in the naval sector. ITXASMARINE was born from the hand of a group of professionals from a company dedicated to the same activity. The company has a solid staff composed of a team of specialists, backed by a long history in the sector that has given them experience in turnkey projects, transformations and major repairs. This experience is visible in the integration of different systems, as well as in the design and manufacture of electrical panels, control desks, specific controls for propellers and auxiliary motors, alarms…
ITXASMARINE, has the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 certificates that endorse it as a company oriented to offer service to clients who seek in quality a true added value, consolidating itself as a reference company in the naval sector, by providing its customers with technical support and personalized advice, with active presence in all phases of any project: pre-phase, execution, post-delivery.
Itxasmarine’s main activity is geared towards:
- Electrical engineering.
- Naval and industrial electrical installations.
- Turnkey projects.
- Automation development and manufacture of specific control equipment.
- Modification, repair and maintenance of naval and industrial electrical installations.
- Manufacture and assembly of electrical switchboard.
- Consulting.
- Installation and maintenance of fire detection systems.
- Miscellaneous electrical components and equipment supply.
- Low voltage installations.

We inspire confidence
Itxasmarine has the trust of the following regular customers. We offer a global service of high quality and efficiency, the projects are faced in close collaboration, giving fluidity to the information and always attending to the specific needs of each client.
- Astilleros Zamakona (Spain).
- Astilleros Murueta (Spain).
- Astilleros Balenciaga (Spain).
- Astilleros Pasaia (Spain).
- Unión Naval Valencia (Spain).
- Factoría Naval De Marin (Spain).
- Astilleros I . Olaziregi (Spain).
- Asmar (Chile).
- M/V Charo (lengthening)
- M/V Napoleón (lengthening)
- M/V Bahía de Guipuzcoa Bahía de San Sebastián (Power increase and freezing plant installation)
- Remolcadores Ibaizabal (Spain).
- Remolcadores Rebarsa (Spain).
- Remolcadores Boluda (Spain).
- Svitzer (U.K.)
- Wijsmuller (Holland)
Fishing companies:
- Pevasa (Spain).
- Pebertu (Spain).
- Echebastar (Spain).
- Atunanca (Venezuela).
- C. Garavilla (Spain).
Merchant vessels:
- T. M. Alcudia (Spain).
- Eiffel Shiping (Spain).
Marine engine manufacturers:
- Mitsubishi Engines (Spain-Portugal).
- Alcampo (Spain-Portugal).
We work in direct contact with some of the best manufacturers or through various warehouses of electrical equipment. That way we can supply our customers with the spare parts they need highly effectively and with the reliability provided by the top manufacturers.
Itxasmarine is member of a group formed by various expert companies in the naval sector, each one with expertise in a different field within this sector. This commitment seeks to offer the customer a global service of great quality and efficiency, since the projects are tackled in close collaboration, with each company providing its proven experience and allowing information to flow smoothly.