These products stand out among all that we offer:
Oil conditioning
Electrical switchboards
Control desk
Thrusters control
Energy efficiency
Electrical switchboards
Main switchboard
Distribution switchboards
Motor control center
Oil conditioning

Design, development, assembly and commissioning of our automation system to suit the client.
IM-AUT 4.0 is the last version of the automation system of Itxas Marine to carry out alarms, control, supervision, data logging and remote maintenance tasks in modern vessels.
The heart of the system is composed by two redundant PLC-s from Mitsubishi iQ-R series. Both PLC-s are managing the system control in real time, one working as the master PLC and the second one as st-by. In case of malfunction, the standby PLC takes the control.
Beijer Scada applications enable operators to monitor and operate the IAS through the user stations.
Some functions of the system are:
Alarm system
Power management system
Temperature control & monitoring system
Display of equipment-systems
System control
Communications diagram
Count hours
Control desk
Ergonomic design, metal fabrication and electrical engineering development, equipment integration (nautical and radio navigation instruments, control and monitoring,…). Assembly and final connection onboard.

Thrusters control
IITXASMARINE has the transversal thrusters control system IM-TTC2.0
This system has been designed to provide an intuitive operability to the operator including alternative operating modes in the face of a failure. The IM-TTC2.0 is made up of high-performance Mitsubishi hardware which provides great reliability, backed by its wide experience in the naval market.